
Rogue Combat Club teaches Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, muay thai, and wrestling in and around Asheville, North Carolina. We also offer classes for children.

Established in 2013, Rogue Combat Club has proudly served Asheville, North Carolina, as the premier destination for those seeking self-defense and competition. Our facility stands as the city’s top-rated gym, offering a wide range of classes, including mixed martial arts, kickboxing, boxing, cardio kickboxing, MMA kids classes, and personal training.

What sets us apart is that our gym is led by experienced MMA fighters who bring unparalleled knowledge and dedication to every class. From everyday fitness enthusiasts to elite professionals, our gym welcomes everyone.

Whether you’re interested in martial arts, sports and performance training, or nutrition and meal plans, you’ll find it all here at Rogue Combat Club. Join us to be a part of Asheville’s longest-running MMA, BJJ, and catch wrestling facility.

We offer classes for both kids and adults, catering to beginners and pros alike.

Elite Self-Defense and Martial Arts Training in Asheville

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Explore Programs

Explore our world-class training systems, incredible instructors, and learn about opportunities for children!

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu in Asheville

two adult male practicing jiu jitsu with one man in top side control Learn More

Muay Thai in Asheville

a black man with a high ponytail boxing wearing a t-shirt that says Death Row Records and fairtex muay thai shorts Learn More

Kids Martial Arts in Asheville

two children practicing jiu jitsu with one child in the triangle position Learn More

Why Choose Us

At Rogue Combat Club, we work hard to go above and beyond for every person who walks through our doors. And you could be next!


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